For Android:
On the Android device you're transferring from:
- Launch Legendary
- From the store page, press 'Settings'
- Then tap 'Google Play Sign In'
- If a Google Play account is logged in on your device, tapping the 'Google Play Sign In' button will automatically connect it to the game. If there is no Google Play account logged in on your device, tapping the 'Google Play Sign In' button will prompt you to sign in to your Google Play account.
- The button should now say 'Google Play Sign Out'
- Then tap 'Link Google Play'
- Google will present some information, accept the terms and move forward. The button should now say, 'Unlink Google Play'.
On the Android device you're transferring to:
- Launch Legendary
- From the store page, press 'Settings'
- Then tap 'Link Google Play'.
Congratulations, you've transferred your game data on Android!
For iOS:
On the iOS device you're transferring from:
- Launch Legendary
- From the store page, press 'Settings'
- Then tap 'Link Game Center'
- The text should now say 'Unlink Game Center'
On the iOS device you're transferring to:
- Launch Legendary
- From the store page, press 'Settings'
- Then tap 'Link Game Center'
Congratulations, you've transferred your game data on iOS!
If these instructions have not delivered you to satisfactory solution, no need to worry, just submit a support request and one of our agents will assist you personally.
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