The Proving Grounds FAQ




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    Wallace Novaes da Cruz

    Formatei o celular reinstalei o jogo, loguei com o email da google play jogos e não aparece nada da minha conta, todos os itens e vip

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    Trifun Trbojevic

    Weaken the bosses,they became too strong in best case 3 time shoot and Im dead.I gave 300euro for an event, and I can't do anything .
    The store is too expensive for a few gems and the prices are killing it.You dont have future with thise events where is bosses to strong and min for 100eur 25000-30000,... not 10000 this is joke.People here have become too greedy.
    If something does not change you will lose 50% to 80% of players and your profits, because who wants to enter something that has no future, so listen sometimes your players.

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